Thursday, March 31, 2011

Helpful Sites for Educators

There are some great blogs and websites that can provide information about teaching, learning, and technology for educators. Today, I’d like to highlight two of my favorites.

1) Free Technology for Teachers

This site is written by Richard Byrne, a Google-Certified Instructor and High School teacher. Richard believes “when used correctly, technology has the power to improve student engagement and student achievement.” As the name implies, Bryne provides free sources that can be used in education. Recent posts have discussed Google and Bloom’s Taxonomy, ways that students can share slideshow presentations online, and “If It Were My Home,” an interesting site that compares the U.S. with different countries. Each discussion ends with a note about how the online sources can be used by educators. While not all of the sources related to college teaching, many can be used by educators at any level.

2) Faculty Focus

The topics in this newsletter are almost always applicable to the college classroom, and often make me think about how I can improve or change my thinking. Unlike the previous website, this one doesn’t focus on technology, but on classroom teaching. If you go to the right side of the site, you will find topics that will surely peak your interest. Recent topics have included “Service Learning: Tips for Aligning Pedagogies with Learning Outcomes,” collaboration and test-taking, and how to deal with cheating in the classroom. You can download free reports on a variety of subjects if you click on the “Free Report” button on the top of the site. It’s a very thought-provoking site.

Learning never ends, especially when you're a teacher who cares about student learning. You can spend hours looking at the wealth of information on these two sites alone. Care to share your favorite sites that can help us improve our teaching?

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